After the tragic calamity that hit Philippines last saturday. it seems like mother nature is in a war path now as she has struck Indonesia. A furious earthquake struck near Padang Indonesia yesterday that killed dozen of people. Hundreds of houses have been damaged along the road, there are some fire and bridges were cut. A number of buildings collapsed like the country's main hospital and road were cut off by landslide. A Tsunami warning was was issued yesterday for countries along the
Indian Ocean, but was lifted after about an hour due to no reports of great waves.
But a series of tsunamis earlier yesterday smashed into the Pacific island nations of American and Western Samoa, and Tonga killing possibly more than 100 people, some washed out to sea, destroying villages and injuring hundreds and a powerful earthquake off the
South Pacific islands of Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga — thousands of miles (kilometers) from
Indonesia — spawned tsunami that killed at least 120 people last Tuesday before the earthquake attack in Padang Indonesia. Experts said the seismic events were not related.