Sunday, January 17

There comes a time in life when we come across this phase where you can say to yourself "I think its time for me to settle down". One can only say this when he or she thinks they have all they need to go on with life and finally found what they have been looking for in life something called contentment. Only a few can find or experience this in life some even go through their whole life without experiencing this, For it is a fact that, if people can just get contented with what they have and learn to treasure them there would be no problems and no one would suffer in this so called life. As for me, I can finally say to myself i am on the path of reaching this point, but before i reach this state i need to have 1 more thing in life. It is a simple task or shall we say wish that is definitely possible and is obtainable. It just rely's on a persons answer for it is not my decision to make but her's. Life is full of up's and downs and trials but i couldn't imagine myself going through them without having you in my life and you by my side. I know you have given me your answer many times but i would just want to ask you and read your answer and share to the world and let the whole world know how much i love you and what you mean to me. My life experienced a whole new kind of meaning and happiness when you came to my life, yes we have our differences and spats once in awhile what couple wouldn't it is part of being together but what is important is before the day ends we settle and set aside our differences and cling and hold on to what i consider the most prized possession i have that is our undoubting and overflowing love and passion for one another. And so I ask you this Chenee Marie Daphlin Quia-eo would you allow me to reach the state of contentment and fulfill my wish. "A wish that means walking together with me in life and facing all odds no matter how overwhelming they will be,through happiness and pain, through better or worst, Till the end of days." I guess what i'm trying to say is will you give me the pleasure of making you my one and only wife?

I Love You so much ...



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